Diving into Month 2

Hi -- thanks for stopping by the blog!!!!

Well, I haven't posted in two weeks, and that isn't (completely) due to failure on my eating and moving plan.  I did, after all, eat and move pretty much every day since you last heard from me!

I have just been soooooo busy.  Here's a quick recap:

Thurs Nov 16  -- Three work meetings during the day and a Starfish live sale at night.

Friday Nov 17 -- Work, and then Aislynn to the youth "Friendsgiving" and me to my sister's to hang out.
Saturday, Nov 18 -- Hayley and Sierra spend the night.

Sunday, Nov 19 - Church

Monday, Nov 20 - Three work meetings and a City Council meeting

Tuesday, Nov 21 - Three work meetings.

Wednesday, Nov 22 -- S-I-L Denna arrives from Georgia and I spend the evening at Dawn and Andrew's prepping for Thanksgiving.

Thursday, Nov 23 -- Thanksgiving

Friday, Nov 24 -- Game night at our house. Black Friday sale for SF

Saturday, Nov 25 -- Small business Saturday, birthday party for Melissa and Chase

Sunday, Nov 26 - Church

Monday, Nov 27 -- Adam and Denna leave for Philadelphia and Atlanta respectively and Fred arrives from California. SF Cyber Monday live sale.

Tuesday, Nov 28 -- Two work meetings, late work night

Wednesday, Nov 29 -- Remote work, Church and music practice

Thursday, Nov 30 -- Three work meetings, City holiday party

Crazy schedule, right?  And that's just the schedule obligations without daily tasks or home responsibilities and Starfish sales, work and activities.  The things in red show occasions where there was social eating.... and for two weeks, that's a LOT of opportunities for disaster by way of the mouth.

Also, it's just a LOT of running, and an unusual number of evening and late evening activity.  That equals eating on the run and failing to meal plan, which are what I like to call the two red horses of the diet apocalypse.

Let's just say the first two weeks went infinitely better than the last two in November.  But still -- I get to finish up the month 10 pounds lighter than the month before, and thankfully, today is December 1, which means I get a fresh start.


But oh, navigating all the holiday parties and get togethers and delicious meals is going to be -- well, challenging is an understatement.  So in starting the new month, I am really pulling together more tools for myself.

First, as before, I am using a newly filled out goals sheet and the food log insert to track every day -- and to ensure I do that (it started to fall by the wayside at the end of the month) I added "accurate food logging" to my weekly habit tracker.  This is the season for those super tasty, high calorie holiday coffee drinks, so I also decided to add a reminder NOT to consume lots of extra calories in liquids to my tracker.

The last extra piece is that when I am choosing (for MY BENEFIT, I have to remember) to not indulge in every little treat and celebration, it helps keep my attitude and spirits high to fill out a gratitude log every couple of days.  I have a long-running gratitude log where I put in three items per day, but this is more of a "blitz when needed" approach where I just fill in all 15 spots in the gratitude insert as quickly as I can to remind myself that I have nothing to complain about and everything to be thankful for, big and small.

So cheers to you and to me as the season of giving, loving, peace and joy begins.  The very best thing about having your support is that for the first time in a long time, I will start the New Year mid-plan instead of in the foggy, depressing haze of that holiday five (and let's be real -- for me it's a holiday 10.  Or 12.  One year it was even a holiday 18, but I digress.)

So that 's a whole 'nother thing I can be thankful for.

We'll talk soon, and thanks for stopping by the blog.



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